Model: Mitsubishi HS-700
Class: Consumer
Type: VCR, Format: VHS
Quantity in Collection 2

Indivdual Item Details:

Item Model: HS-700E, Serial: NZ7000592
Created: 2008-05-19 00:00:00 Last Edit: 2022-12-27 00:56:03
System PAL
FeaturesPortable, Power supply unit can be removed and replaced with battery.
Item ConditionNot Working
Other Details It is quite large and heavy because the tuner is built in.
2019/04/11 Tested: Power supply dead. No image when playing tape only noise.

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Item Model: HS-700E, Serial: NZ7001159
Created: 2008-05-19 00:00:00 Last Edit: 2019-08-31 00:10:04
System PAL
Item ConditionNot Working
Other Details Missing the control cover. The power cable had been cut off before I got this one.
2019/04/11 Tested: Power supply OK. No image when playing tape only noise.

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