Model: National NV-G12
Class: Consumer
Type: VCR, Format: VHS
Quantity in Collection 3

Indivdual Item Details:

Item Model: NV-G12EA, Serial: E7KL00412
Created: 2008-05-25 00:00:00 Last Edit: 2019-04-19 22:39:59
System PAL
Item ConditionNot Working
Other Details 2019/04/19 Tested: Powers up OK and accepts a tape. Enters play mode briefly then goes back to stop. Not sure what the problem is? Maybe mode switch issue. This was described as working previously.

Image of

Image of

Image of

Item Model: NV-G12EA, Serial: H7KL00870
Created: 2008-05-25 00:00:00 Last Edit: 2019-04-19 22:41:29
System PAL
Item ConditionNot Working
Other Details 2019/04/19 Tested: Power problem does not power sup correctly can hear motors running full time.

Item Model: NV-G12EA, Serial: H7KL00672
Created: 2010-08-28 00:00:00 Last Edit: 2019-04-19 22:41:47
System PAL
Item ConditionUntested
Other Details Power cable has been cut off.
2019/04/19 Tested: Power cable cut of, not tested.

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