Model: Panasonic NV-M7
Class: Consumer
Type: Camcorder, Format: VHS
Quantity in Collection 2

Indivdual Item Details:

Item Model: NV-M7EA, Serial: E8HB00400
Created: 2009-03-17 00:00:00 Last Edit: 2023-02-10 23:41:02
System PAL
Item ConditionPart Working
Other Details Some noise on the camera video output.

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Item Model: NV-M7EA, Serial: C8HB00454
Created: 2023-02-11 00:27:34 Last Edit: 2023-02-11 00:27:34
System PAL
Item ConditionNot Working

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Found 1 Accessory for this item:

Accessory Panasonic, VW-AM7EA, Serial: F800057YD
Added 2023-02-11
Type Power Supply
Condition Working

Panasonic - VW-AM7EA

Panasonic - VW-AM7EA

Panasonic - VW-AM7EA

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